用英文作自我介紹 Introduction 日常英文會話

Making a self-introduction 作自我介紹

1. May I introduce myself
2. Hello, I'm Hanson Smith.
3. Excuse me, I don't think we've met. My name's Hanson Smith.
4. How do you do? I'm Hanson Smith.
5. I'm David Anderson. I don't believe I've had the pleasure.
6. First let me introduce myself. I'm Peter White, production manager.
7. My name is David. I work in the marketing department.

用英文作自我介紹後如何回應 after being Introduced 日常英文會話

用英文作自我介紹 Introduction 日常英文會話



「標點符號」punctuation marks 的英文要怎麼唸?email 地址要怎麼唸?

