這樣說來¸假如...¸當然毫無疑問地…英文 In this light, if…, there can surely be no doubt

In this light, if…, there can surely be no doubt  (that)子句

There can surely be no doubt that, if you comply with my request before it is revoked, I am bound by my undertaking.

There can surely be no doubt that the influence of the screen, the computer and the mobile phone is becoming ever more dominant.

Finally, there can surely be no doubt of the palliative value of judicious doses of radium and x rays in cancer.

In this light, if we can make good use of time, there can surely be no doubt that we will get somewhere.

It's never too late to learn.  1.不論是英文或美語學習,也不管美語或英文自修,一切的英文基礎當然是希望在小的時候就學好。  2.所以兒童英文,兒童美語,幼兒英文,幼兒美語,在台灣父母多是很注重的 3.在課後輔導班不論是學習KK音標,英文聽力練習,發音練習,英文自我介紹,寫作範本,例句,例子,英文單字,日常生活美語,日常英文會話,都是為了要讓幼兒或兒童自然而然地愛上英語美語。  4.能流利的說一口英語美語,市面上有很多的快速學英文,快速學美語,也是須要有決心才能學習的好。



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