E MAIL 客套結束語 敬辭 敬詞 英文


1. 期待語句,例如

「be looking forward to ~」靜待得到~:

We look forward to receiving your reply. 我方期望得到您的回覆。

I am looking forward to your comments. 我將靜待您的建議。

2. 感謝語句,

「Thank you for~」感謝您的~:

Thank you for your close cooperation with us in this matter.感謝您對於此一事件的協助。

Thank you again for your attention.感謝您對於此事的注意。

3. 要求語句,

「Please tell[inform] us~」請告訴[通知]我方~:

Please inform us your decision soon.請盡快通知我方您的決定。

Please tell us whether you may accept it.請告知我方您是否會接受。

4. 詢問語句,

「Will you please~」能請您~:

Will you please reply us before this Wednesday?能請您盡快在這個星期三前回覆嗎?

Will you please send us a copy of your latest catalogue?能請您寄給我方一份您的最新目錄嗎?

5. 堅信語句,

「We trust [believe、await]~」我方相信[堅信、等待]~:

We trust you will now attend to this matter without further delay.我方相信貴公司會毫不延誤地關心此事件。

We await your satisfactory to our quotation [service、product].我們等待貴公司對我們的報價[服務、商品]感到滿意!

6. 謙虛語句,

「You are the welcome to ~」,歡迎~,例如:

You are always the most welcome to contact us. 歡迎您隨時與我方聯絡。

You are welcome to ask us for any cooperation. 歡迎您隨時要求協助。


Please notify me soon. 
Looking forward to a prompt reply. 
Please do not fail to write to me. 
I shall feel obliged by a reply at your earliest convenience. 
I look for your answer in a few days. 
Let me hear if you receive the parcel safely. 
As the season grows colder, I hope you will take good care of yourself. 
With kind regards to your family. 
Please give my compliments to your family. 
Pray give my best remembrances to Mr. Brown. 
My parents ask also to add their best thanks to mine. 
Adieu till then. 
Thanking you for the past favour. 
I think you for the trouble you have taken. 
Hoping you will have a pleasant trip. 
Wishing you a pleasant journey. 
The help you sent is sincerely valued.


Sincerely yours,

Very sincerely yours,

Faithfully yours,

Yours very truly,

Very respectfully yours,

Best regards,

Best wishes,

Warmest regards,



「標點符號」punctuation marks 的英文要怎麼唸?email 地址要怎麼唸?

