E MAIL 商用 更改、延後會面會議時間 reschedule、postpone 英文



I don't think it's a good idea. I couldn't make it. 我覺得這不是一個好點子。我可能辦不到。

I'm afraid I'll have to postpone the appointment. 恐怕我必須把約會延期。 

Can we make our appointment a little later? 我們的約會可以往後延些時間嗎? 

Could you change the schedule for me? 你能幫我更改時程嗎?

You did change the appointment, didn't you? 你有更改約會的時間吧?沒有嗎?

I ask you to postpone tomorrow's appointment. 我要求你把明天的約會延期。

I have to go to Hong Kong this afternoon. 我今天下午必須去香港。 

We may be a little late but please wait for us. 我們可能會晚一點到,但是請等我們。 

Would you like to reschedule the appointment? 您要重訂會面時間嗎? 

How about Thursday at the same time? 星期四同一個時間好嗎? 

How does Friday at the same time sound to you? 您覺得星期五同一個時間如何?

Would you please tell Andrew I have to postpone our meeting? 能請你告訴安德魯我必須將會面延後嗎?

I prefer not to postpone the schedule. 我比較傾向不要延後行程。

I would rather not change the time. 我倒寧願不要更改時間。



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